Classic Kit Homes is committed to making the process of designing, organising documentation and supplying
your kit home as easy for you as possible. Always remember we are only a phone call away and no questions
are silly questions. We take our role seriously and will happily answer all your queries and be there with advice
whenever you need help.
Gone are the days when kit homes were considered little more than sheds. Today, kit homes can be a small holiday cabin or they can be million dollar homes. Most kit homes are somewhere in the middle. You are only limited by your budget and imagination! If you choose to partner with Classic Kit Homes you’ll receive all the materials needed to build the structure of your home. This structure is then ready for all the finishing touches like cabinetry, vanities, sinks, baths, floor coverings etc.
Your Classic Kit Homes package will include:
- Fully engineered working drawings which are ready to be submitted to council or your local authority
- Metal stumps
- Pre-assembled wall frames and trusses (timber or steel)
- A dual flooring system (particle board underlay + tongue and grooved hardwood)
- Verandah decking and rails
- Windows
- Roof, guttering and fascia
- Internal & external doors and fittings
- Insulation
- External cladding
- Plasterboard and cornices
- Built-in robes and robe doors
Surprised? Yes!
Our clients are always pleasantly surprised at the extent of our inclusions too. Click CKH Inclusions to see a comprehensive list of our inclusions and quality materials.
We go above and beyond
We’d like to add that we can include any construction materials or fittings that you want. In remote areas or overseas, we have often included all the items to complete a home; e.g. cabinetry, baths, toilets, dishwasher, etc. Sometimes we have included furniture!
Of course you can! We believe every client has personal preferences and requirements and that their home should reflect these individualities. Our homes are as unique as you are.
We’ve never built the same home twice. Everyone likes to custom design their home. Most clients use one of our floorplans as a starting point, then we work with them to achieve their dream home. However, if you have a plan or have ideas for a plan, we can pick up the project at whatever stage you’re at.
Choose one of our floorplans as a base, then have it modified to suit your family and your site
Bring your existing plans, or even your sketches to us and we will pick up where you left of and bring it to life
‘Your & Ours’
We sit down together, or on Skype, or even by email, and completely custom design a home for you. A combination of your ideas and our expertise.
We have clever drafting software in our office which produces clear and simple floor plans, ready for the preliminary plans stage. These plans can be modified, enlarged or reduced in our office free of charge if you decided to proceed with us. When we have the plan as perfect as possible it goes off-site to a professional draftsman. Modifying the plan in-office before it becomes a fully fledged preliminary plan is easy and eliminates the need for multiple changes later on – which can be quite expensive.
Yes, we can organise steel frames if that is your preference.
We use kiln dried structural treated pine for our pre-nailed wall frames, which has a guarantee of up to 25 years against insect attack, however, if you’d prefer, we can certainly supply steel frames at an additional cost.
A ‘lock up’ build offers an alternative to ‘full build’ status for customers wishing to finish their new home on their own and as their budget allows. This means you can spread construction over a longer time if you wish, while your home is safely locked up.
Generally, when a builder (or owner builder) constructs a home to lock up stage, the home is weatherproof and is at the point where a building inspector can inspect the completed structural frame before internal linings begin. This means the plumber and electrician have fitted their pipes and wires in preparation for the plasterboard fixer and setter.
Externally, a home will look ‘complete’ (except for painting). The roof and gutters, cladding, windows, external doors, verandahs, handrails and external stairs are all in place. Inside, the frames are visible and not covered by plasterboard yet. Clients then arrange the relevant tradesmen and arrange supply of internal fittings – or choose to fit the home out themselves.
There are two options for the construction of your home:
Owner Builder Construction
You can obtain an Owner Builder Permit. For more information, go to or phone the relevant office in your state. With an owner builder permit, you can save money on the construction of your new home by organising local tradesmen of your choice and perhaps doing some of the work yourself. The owner builder course is quite short and can be completed online. It does not teach you building techniques, but it does help you with the documentation and paperwork and dealing with the relevant authorities.
Contract Builder Construction
Many people arrange a builder to complete their home, either to ‘fully built’ stage or ‘lock up’ stage. If you don’t know a builder in your area, the preferred method of locating a licensed builder is to contact local organisations such as the Housing Industry Association (HIA) or the Master Builders Association (MBA).
Classic Kit Homes Australia offers a free Owner Builder Course to all its clients.
Find out more today – Contact Us
Kit materials will be delivered to your site as they’re required, in stages. In remote areas however, they may be delivered in one load.
Our kits are delivered at no charge within the South East Queensland region. For other regions of Australia, we have arrangements with many national suppliers, so we’re able to deliver your kit from the nearest large city to your site. This means there are little or no transport costs. These arrangements have proven very convenient and inexpensive for our distant clients. It also means you’re using local suppliers, which benefits the community you’ll soon be living in.
Kits are transported by semi trailers fitted with cranes for easy delivery and unloading. Overseas kits are containerised and freight costs will be confirmed before placement of your order.
To find out more about what will be delivered and when please have a look at our Delivery Schedule.
All our kit homes have a 6-Star Energy Rating. This is the highest energy efficiency available. We are as concerned for the environment as you are!
The size of the home determines the timeframe, however, there are a few factors which remain constant.
We generally advise owners that it takes approximately three months before construction can begin. Many are surprised by this, however, we suggest careful planning at this initial stage avoids surprises, expenses and unnecessary delays later on. During the initial three months, we assist with design preparation and estimating. Owner builders assist by organising soil reports, contour surveys and land title documents. When clients are happy with their design, we proceed to the drafting and engineering stage. Once preliminary plans are drafted and checked by the owners, we are able to proceed with pricing so we can give a fixed price contract to our clients. Contracts are then prepared and signed and we are able to proceed with organising frames and trusses, and sourcing other materials.
Once contracts are signed, it will take 3 to 4 weeks for delivery of the initial materials.
Construction time ranges from 10 to 12 weeks depending on the size of the home. We suggest approximately 10-12 weeks for smaller, 2-4 bedroom homes, and longer for larger homes. This is a guide only and does not take into account weather delays.
Of course, in most areas, we deliver materials as required, therefore the owner builder is in control of the construction timeline (weather permitting!)
Find out more about our 8 Step Process in detail.
Classic Kit Homes pride ourselves on NOT deceiving our clients with big (or little) surprises during the design and supply stages. This is why we spend months with you, painstakingly and accurately preparing all the paperwork for your new kit home. When we confirm all the costs involved, we supply you with a fixed price proposal before the contract is signed.
We prefer not to ‘upsell’, which involves giving you a low initial price enticing you to buy, then try to sell upgrades or extra materials. Our initial price includes all the quality items which we’d use in our own homes, and which will eventually give you a home to be proud of.
Our fixed price contract is also peace of mind that the price you get is the price you pay.
We are an ethical, family-owned and run Australian company and we pride ourselves on our transparency, quality advice and genuine care for our clients.
This is the Preliminary Agreement stage. Once you’ve decided on a floorplan for your new home, you then pay an initial deposit so we can organise your Preliminary Plan to be drawn up off-site by a professional draftsman, then engineered for your specific site.
Remember, for plans to be drawn, you will need to organise and supply us with:
- A copy of your land title (lot number and RP number)
- A copy of your soil test
- A contour plan of your site with property information.
If you are unsure of how to obtain these documents, we are happy to assist.